Meet the Diveley Family

Kimberly Diveley was fortunate to have a Blue Ribbon public school just down the street. But despite the school’s accolades, her sons, Noah and Taylor, just didn’t fit in. “They were in an advanced program,” Kimberly says, and her boys had always performed well on tests.

“But I didn’t like that they didn’t enjoy school,” she says. “I thought they were way too young and way too smart to not love learning.”

Kimberly and her husband chose to homeschool Noah and Taylor along with their younger brother, Joshua, and younger sister, Courtney Hope. “I think it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done,” she says.

Kimberly is pleased with how hard her children work and how active they are in the community. “They are more social today than they were in school because our schedule is so flexible.”

Noah, Taylor, and Joshua are heavily involved in sports, and all four children are active in theater productions.

Kimberly explains that she has been able to find subjects her children enjoy learning about and can focus on their interests. “I try to fashion their assignments so that I can steer them to the things they like to write about,” she says.

“There are certain things we have to do, but they have time, if they plan properly, they can pour themselves into other things like music,” Kimberly says.

She explains that discovering what her children are passionate about is rewarding: “You just have to find out their passion and then you can creatively make it click. We are very thankful for the chance to do that.”

Updated 09/27/2020