A.D.’s Story

When I received the SAFE Grant announcement, I was sitting on my porch, praying.The SAFE Grant news made me stand up & raise my hands in gratitude. At that moment, a blue heron slowly flew across the yard in front of me. I have 6 children — 5 of whom are of school age & attending private schools in SC. This is a blessing for my children but also a financial Goliath for me.My family is in a season of great transition & because of our circumstance, public school is not an option. Before the recent changes. I was a homeschooling mother for 10+ years. Homeschooling is no longer option. Now I am starting over, creating & growing a new business, & endeavoring to provide school for my children. Our private school has provided the kindest gentlest place for my children during this time of upheaval & change in their lives. I am deeply grateful.

Updated 09/04/2020